Regular Hours Emergencies

If your pet is experiencing an emergency during our regular business hours, please call us at 610-287-8960. We do not see new clients on an emergency basis.

Hours of Operation:

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8am to 8pm

Wednesday and Friday 8am to 6pm

Saturday 8am to 12pm

After Hours Emergencies

If your pet is experiencing an emergency after our regular business hours, please contact Metropolitan Veterinary Associates  or Pinnacle Veterinary Specialists, which is open 24 hours a day and ready to assist you.  The emergency facility will contact our office with a full report.

Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital

2626 Van Buren Avenue
Valley Forge*, PA  19482

Phone: 610-666-1050

Click here for directions to the facility.

Hickory Veterinary and Specialty

203 Hickory Rd

Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

Phone: 610-828-3054

Click here for directions to the facility.

Pinnacle Veterinary Specialists

60 Evergreen Drive 

Suite 110

Glen Mills, PA 19432

Phone: 610-477-8797

Click here for directions to the facility.